Learn Breathwork


Do you breathe through your mouth during the day?

Do you hold your breath whilst writing an email?

Do you snore or wake up with a dry mouth or drool on the pillow?

Do you find yourself getting breathless when walking up stairs?

Do you sigh or yawn throughout the day?

If you answered Yes to any of these then chances are you have patterns of dysfunctional breathing.

Join us at VERSUS in St Kilda for this 90 minute introductory session where we will take a deep dive into understanding your breath.  

We will cover: 

  • Basic breathing physiology;

  • Traits of dysfunctional breathing;

  • Tools to measure your breathing pattern and any dysfunction; and 

  • Techniques to encourage functional breathing patterns, reduce breathlessness and start your journey towards making your breathing effortless.  

This workshop is a great starting point for anyone with breathing dysfunctions (like sleep apnea, snoring, mouth breathing or breathlessness) and equally helpful for anyone wanting to use the breath to improve athletic performance.

The next fundamentals workshops will be in Summer 2023/24:

Jarrod’s pursuit to discover his abilities as a freediving athlete led him to the world of breathwork back in 2015.  Since then he has tested out many different breathwork approaches on himself as he strives to develop the awareness that will help him hold his breath longer.  When holding your breath for the longest time is the aim it helps to have an intimate understanding of what is happening in the body and how your breathing impacts that.  Jarrod is a certified Instructor with Oxygen Advantage that Jarrod believes is the most comprehensive and scientifically supported program he has found and that is why he chooses to teach its fundamental practices to his clients.   

The Oxygen Advantage approach provides complimentary teachings for his freediving students and helps his non-freediving clients develop functional breathing patterns to support them during exercise, times of stress and rest. UPCOMING WORKSHOPS LISTED BELOW